This thing is crazy, and hopefully will be the best thing I buy for this trip. Plugs into seats power source, and powers my macbook. Just what I need to, because these past couple weeks, all I've been doing is ripping and downloading videos, movies and tv shows onto my Macbook. Man do I love this thing!
Well we left Calgary at 6pm, and it was a pretty big occasion, I'm pretty sure we took up at least 3/4 of the hallway all the time, it was pretty epic as I would say. Lots of tears, and hugs and smiles. The flight to Vancouver was a pretty quick one, I was pretty happy, passed right out, and woke up 45 minutes later, watched a couple shows and landed right away.
Now just waiting in the terminal in YVR, another 3 hours phew, here we go. Thank God for free wifi, and a sick Macbook!
Updates later, or when I land in Taipei!!!
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